புகையிரதத்தை மறித்து போராட்டம்

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Yesterday (15th), the public led a protest by blocking the train in Jaffna - Inuvil area, insisting on safe train crossing.

The protest was carried out by the people of the area stating that there were no security arrangements at the said railway crossing and that the crossing guard was not doing his duty there.

The protestors blocked the train going from Jaffna to Kangesanthurai.

They raised loud slogans and got into an argument with the police.

Let the dead be the last, don't save our lives! Is it a fearful journey day by day? Banners bearing the slogans were displayed.

Many citizens and people belonging to the village level also participated in the protest.

Two people have died and a woman is being treated in the intensive care unit after a plane collided with a train in Inuvil area of ​​Jaffna.

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